Welcome to Main Step Therapy!
Providing therapy services for effective communication, social functioning and academic support.
Welcome to Main Step Therapy!
Providing therapy services for effective communication, social functioning and academic support.
Welcome to Main Step Therapy!
Providing therapy services for effective communication, social functioning and academic support.
Contact us for a consultation!
Phone: 469.214.5898
Fax: 469.731-4714
email: info@mainsteptherapy.com
Screening, Comprehensive Assessment & Treatment
Modes of Service Delivery:
Evaluation and therapy services are available:
In our clinic locations
ABA Centers
Daycare/Montessori/Private Schools (case by case)
Contact us to discuss what is your best option.
Main Step Therapy provides assessment and therapy services for variety of disorders and diagnoses, ranging from mild speech disorders to complex communication needs.
The specialties include but not limited to the following:
Articulation/ phonological disorders
Receptive/ expressive language impairments
Autism/Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD)
Language and learning based disorders
Social/ pragmatic language disorders
Nonverbal disorders
Aural Rehab
Cognitive communication
Our services include screening, comprehensive assessments, and treatment (direct and indirect therapy, individual and group therapies, parent training and consultation).
Screening is a “snapshot” of the child’s communication abilities and can tell us if the child’s current skills are on target or need further evaluation. You can call us to schedule a free initial screening if you suspect your child is displaying delays in speech and language. A short parent interview on phone can also give us a good picture.
For evaluations, we use a flexible approach – a combination of formal and standardized tests, informal play-based assessment, along with thorough parent interview and input to gain an accurate picture of the child. We believe in multidisciplinary approach and will be happy to involve his/her teachers, other therapists and service providers per your written permission. The assessment will include child's skill level in communication, strengths, areas of improvement, an effective treatment plan with goals targeting the specific needs in the areas of speech, language and literacy. Speech and language evaluations are also important to rule out the language differences vs. language disorders in bilingual children. While we see variety of clients, our specialty is children who are learning English as a second language.
All our therpaies are tailor-made to fit the client’s specific needs.
Any person, with or without a diagnosis or disability is unique. Not all the individuals falling under the same diagnosis have same needs or benefit from same die cast therapy. While the diagnosis of the individual is always kept in mind, the goals and the plan for therapy is generated based on the specific need areas for that particular client. At Main Step Therapy we provide customized plan of treatment for each child based on the needs identified as part of the initial and on-going assessment. The treatment plans that may include direct therapy, indirect therapy, individual or group therapies.
Direct Intervention:
Direct sessions are conducted in our clinic, virtually, in your home or at the childcare/ daycare center/ montessori or ABA center your child is attending. Younger children are scheduled for 30 minute sessions. Older students may benefit from 45 or 55 minute sessions.
Parent Training, Consultation and Support:
In addition to direct therapy provided to clients, consultation and training to families are also offered to facilitate communication in home. We offer training in multimodality/ total communication approaches like Picture Exchange System, Alternate Augmentative Communication Device (Proloquo 2), and Aided Language Stimulation. Sessions with parents are conducted individually or in groups, online or in person at the clinic or client's home. We are committed to your and your child's safety and follow all safety guidelines to minimize the spread of coronavirus.
Group Sessions:
Depending upon diagnoses and the skill level of the child, group sessions have been known to improve therapy outcomes. They help children to feel comfortable about getting speech therapy, promote learning from peers and to generalize the skills in smaller-than-classroom size. Examples of such sessions are social groups for kids on autism spectrum, kids with stuttering or articulation disorders. Sometimes a combination of different diagnosis can also become a great way to learn from each other. Professional judgement is used in the process of qualifying a child for group sessions to ensure the benefits of such a setting. Groups sessions are offered in our clinic, children's preschool during school year and in summers.