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Welcome to Abilities & Beyond!
Multidisciplinary Approach 
Collaborating with Parents, Teachers & Other Service Providers 
Mother and a Child
Teacher and Pupil
In a Meeting

We always welcome multidisciplinary input and are big on collaborating with all members of the team who work with children.


Parents and Primary Caregivers: The most important team member during evaluation and treatment is the parents/ primary caregivers. . No one knows your child more than you do! We take into consideration your input very seriously. We interview parents thoroughly during the process of evaluation and communicate with parents routinely to update on treatment. Parents are part of the goals. While we may provide therapy sessions but we depend upon you to help us with motivating your child, reaching the goals and reinforcing the learning outside therapy.

Teachers: For children who receive only speech services in school, teachers are important part of the team. Speech and language delays may impact academics and we make sure we are working with teachers to help child accomplish the goal, reach his/ her full potential and bridge as much learning gap as possible. 


Service Provider Team:  For children who have speech impairment as a secondary diagnosis like autism, down syndrome, CP etc,, have a school team and in most cases may also have a team of private service providers. Team members may include occupational therapist, physical therapist, vision therapist, psychologist, ABA therapists, and medical professionals. Speech is an important component of treatment and plays a critical role in achieving their goals in other areas as well. We love collaborating with the multidisciplinary team of the child to to find more about the child and to make sure our goals align with theirs. 


If you want us to reach out the other therapists, we will provide you with the informed consent form. This will give us permission to exchange needed information with other professionals. The other members of the team/ agency will probably need you to fill a form as well to be able to communicate with us. 

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